Best Evaluated Bidder Notice: Procurement of Laptops and Printers

Best Evaluated Bidder Notice

(for Procurement and Disposal Notice Board

The bidder named below has been evaluated as the best evaluated bidder for the procurement requirement detailed below. It is the intention of the Procuring and Disposing Entity to place a contract with the bidder named after ten working days from the date for display given below.

Procurement Reference Number:UIA/SPLS/2020-21/00021
Subject of Procurement:Procurement of Laptops and Printers
Method of Procurement:Request for Quotations
Name of Best Evaluated Bidder:M/s Lewis Energy Company Ltd
Total Contract Price:UGX. 91,922,000
Date for Display:24-09-2020
Date for Removal:12-10-2020

Unsuccessful bidders

No.Name of bidderEvaluation stage at which bid failed or was eliminated and reasons for elimination.
1M/s Genius Contractors & Logistics  LtdDid not submit tax clearance certificate Did not submit copy of passport or National ID for one of directors
2M/s Web Info-Net LtdDid not submit manufacturer’s authorization Did not submit tax registration certificate Did not submit NITA U Certificate

Display of this Notice does not constitute an acceptance of the bid described above or the formation of a contract.

The Procuring and Disposing Entity shall not sign a contract during a period of ten days from the date of the notice. Formation of contract shall be in accordance with the PPDA (Contracts) Regulations, 2014.

Authorised for display on Procurement and Disposal Notice Board:

  Signature:  ___________________________  Name:  OKOU Yakub Patrik
  Position:  Head PDU  Date:  24th September 2020

To be copied to all bidders who submitted bids, including the best-evaluated bidder.

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